10 week average mileage: 120kms or 75 miles
Extra things to note;
Core, strength, foam rolling and stretching sessions: every morning for 10 minutes.
Recovery runs (except Fridays) included a 1km Hot Spot in the middle. This a 1km pick-up done as quickly as possible.
Rest days according to feel.
Weekly average of 120kms or 75 miles.
Ideally I would have preferred to sharpen up more towards the end, but was forced to take extra rest due to shin issues.
Great City 5km race: 17th July: 15:44
Lee Valley 10km race: 28th July: 33:175km
Track race: 7th August: 15:20
Kimbolton Half Marathon: 18th August: 71:46
Track Sessions;
7 mins Tempo (3 min rest), 2 X 3 X 90 seconds (30 seconds rest between each rep, 3 mins between sets).
3 X 700m (90 seconds rest), 7 X 300m (45 seconds rest), 1km as hard as possible at the end.
5 X (600m,200m) 75 second rest between the 600m, 30 seconds rest between the 200m.
5 X 1,000m (90 seconds rest), 6 X 200s (30 seconds rest), 1km as hard as possible at the end.
5 X (500m, 300m) 60 seconds rest, 1km as hard as possible at the end.
4 X 2 mins, 4 X 1 min, 4 X 2mins (45 seconds rest and 3 minutes between sets)
5 X 1,000m (90 seconds rest), 5 X 200 (30 seconds rest).
At the Start
At the finish 2:29:50