The Athlete of the month, for the month July is.... Annie Birch
From stress facture to 4th at the ASICS London 10km!!
Yup that’s right, just 4 months ago, Annie suffered a devastating blow to her training. She unfortunately picked up a dreaded stress fracture. But was it all actually that devastating?
With everything in life there are pros and cons. This opened her up to the world of cross training. In fact, she religiously stuck to the ‘running plan’ and just replicated all the workouts while doing them cross training. As runners our number 1 passion is running, however cross training can play such a crucial role in being the best possible athlete you can be.
The burn is real when you end up doing the equivalent ‘track session’ on a bike. However, one huge benefit to this is the speed of recovery. She was getting aerobically fitter, while simultaneously allowing her stress fracture to heal.
This injury bought out the beast in Annie and since her return to running she has just gone from strength to strength! Her most recent performance earning her a 4th place finish at the Asics London 10km. Finishing in an epic time of 36:06.
If this is what she has achieved in her short time of returning to running, then who knows what she is capable of after months and months of consistent training!
Annie your dedication is admirable, you’re not afraid to put the hard work that goes into it, and as your coach I cannot wait to unlock this potential and see what the future has in store for you!
Who will be the athlete of the month for August??
