The Athlete of the month, for the month February is.... Natalie Karaminas
I have never seen long run consistency like it! Natalie joined the club and 1-1 coaching with Alex last year and she has been absolutely nailing her sessions including doing her strength work!!
As any plan goes, we can’t always follow it to a tee but Natalie never fails to amaze with how she adapts and shuffles her week around and moving runs into different slots to always get it done! It’s not always you find someone willing to complete a 32km long run on a Friday after a hectic week!
Natalie has smashed her way through PBs from 5km to half marathon and I am so excited to see her do just that at Manchester later in the year! This year is going to be truly epic!!
I spoke to Natalie about her training so far this year and one particular highlight for February was getting through all those long runs without fail considering all the storms and crazy weather we have been having- I mean that IS a challenge!
Favourite session on the plan? It was a toss-up between 400m repeats and a Sunday long run! I mean there is a heck of a difference there! I can’t argue, I’m not sure I could choose myself. Pity she didn’t love the down the ladder/ up the ladder track just as much!
Seriously well-done Natalie- thoroughly deserved and you always bring such energy to the team! Lots of goals to chase and races to smash this year, first up; Manchester in 5 weeks!
Who will be the athlete of the month for March?
