As I announced at the start of the year, I’ll be publishing a reoccurring article for my chosen ‘athlete of the month’. For December, the athlete of the month is... Rachel O’Grady
Rachel has had an absolute cracker of a month, to say the least! Breaking a huge milestone of sub 20 minutes for 5kms and then following that up a few weeks later by running her first ever sub 6 minute mile. When it rains, it pours. Let. The. Good. Time. Roll!
When Rachel initially came to me a few months ago she admittedly informed me that she had lost her running mojo. This was no surprise to me as loads of other runners had felt the same after the year we have had! However, with her positive attitude and the enthusiasm in which she approaches life, I knew it was a matter of time before we started unlocking some of the potential this talented runner has.
Colette (another rock star from out training group) put us in touch and to be honest it’s been smooth sailing ever since. I initially performed a gait analysis for her, which she seems to have benefitted massively in the bigger scheme of things. Just goes to show how those daily exercises, that are often time consuming, go such a long way at the end of the day.
Having finished all the marathon majors, Rachel is a proud 6 star medal holder (something I aim to achieve one day too). Being a marathoner, never before had she actually done shorter distance training. With no major marathons going ahead, now was the perfect time to embark on this speed work challenge.
In just a few months she went from not feeling like she had her running mojo, to smashing out PB’s week in and week out! It’s been an incredible journey so far in just these few months, and I’m really looking forward to progressing her shorter distance speed all the way through to the marathon distance when the appetising marathons eventually go ahead.
What I like most about Rachel is her passion for running and helping fellow runners out too. From the very start she was a perfect fit for the team and her enthusiastic approach makes my life as her coach really easy. She trusts the process, isn’t afraid to put the work in and it is no surprise to me that the PBs are flowing as a result.
Well done Rach, it’s been very rewarding as your coach seeing you progress over the past few months. Can I just ask you to please let me get my 6 star medal before you get you get your double 6 star medal! The race is on!
Who will be the athlete of the month for January 2021??
